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Current Collection

The current collection features works that are currently for sale.  To see work from Jill's full portfolio, visit the genre pages of the collections tab.

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Santa and his Pipe

Santa and his Pipe

Santa is over 4ft tall and makes a perfect addition to your large decorations.

Harvest Delights

Harvest Delights

A great addition to your autumn tablescape.

The Luck of the Irish

The Luck of the Irish

Irish Santa brings Gaelic Greetings of Nollaig shona dhuit to your home for the holidays!

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story

Santa takes time out of his busy day to read and relax.

Witchy Wanderer

Witchy Wanderer

This witch is ready for a wild and windy midnight ride!

Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

Twas the night AFTER Christmas...

Tortie Painting

Tortie Painting

This calico cat is ready to curl up by your fire!

© 2020 - 1990 Jill Ball Art                                                       

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